The Cleveland Cavaliers Comeback

mental Toughness is The crucial to Comebacks

Is it possible to become mentally hard or is mental toughness only something reserved for elite athletes? What can mental toughness do for you?

To start, how lots of 8 year-old athletes are described as mentally tough? probably none.

That’s because mental toughness is not a genetic trait but a skill set learned over time. If you are capable of learning, you can learn to become mentally tough.

If you have developed physically and technically as an athlete, you can grow your mental game and become a mentally tougher athlete and that is a fact!

Mental toughness is the one skill that can help you beat the odds…

Mount a comeback when you are down late in a game…

Play your best during championship moments…

Beat teams that seem unbeatable…

And do with consistency and confidence.

Take for example the Cleveland Cavaliers… Of course the team is talented but talent is never enough.

It requires mental toughness to beat a team who defeated you the previous year to win the championship.

It takes mental toughness to come back in an NBA final when you are down 3-1 when no team in NBA history accomplished that feat.

It takes mental toughness to beat a team who had a record-breaking season with 73 wins.

It requires mental toughness to successfully defend a team who has the two-time NBA MVP.

It requires mental toughness to win a championship in a hostile environment when the opposing team had the most dominant home records over the past two years.

It takes mental toughness to get rid of a 52-year championship drought suffered through by an entire city.

And it was mental toughness that was the crucial for the Cleveland Cavaliers to beat the odds and win the 2016 NBA Championship.

Mental toughness helped the Cavaliers despite all the pressure hoisted upon the team. Not only did the team prosper in that pressure-packed championship moment, the team looked forward to competing under those circumstances.

Cavaliers instructor Tyronn Lue expressed the overall mindset of the team when he said after game 6, “I wish every game was an elimination game.”

When you are mentally tough, you have the confidence to know that you are never out of the game.

Mentally hard players have a sense of calm and focus because they feel they can still affect the game no matter the situation.

MVP LeBron James was often admonished early in his occupation for an inability to do when the game mattered most. but in game 7, LeBron was a picture of poise under pressure due to his mental toughness that he cultivated throughout the years.

JAMES: “I was calm. I was focused. I was locked in.”

Your success as an athlete depends, not only on your physical skill set, but on how much time you dedicate to growing your mental toughness.

Tips for growing mental toughness:

There is a saying, “If you don’t know the answer, find someone who does.” The same is true of growing your mental toughness.

Seek out the recommendations of experts. just like hiring a personal instructor to hone your physical skills… find a mental game instructor to help develop your mental toughness.

Mental toughness will be the skill that launches your occupation additionally than you thought possible.

Learn about our mental coaching programs here:

Mental training Programs For Athletes

Boost Your self-esteem With mental game Coaching!

Master mental game coach, Dr. Patrick Cohn, can help you or your athlete(s), ages 12 and up, get rid of mental game issues with personal coaching.

You can work with Dr. Patrick Cohn himself in Orlando, Florida or by means of Skype, FaceTime, or telephone. call us toll complimentary at 888-742-7225 or contact us for a lot more information about the different coaching programs we offer!

What are our students saying?
“To compete at the highest level and do your best, athletes need to train both physically and mentally. height performance sports and Dr. Cohn’s programs can help any athlete or team improve mental toughness and do at their peak.”
~David M. Oliver, ATC/L., CSCS

For All athletes – learn Confidence-Boosting Techniques!

D you have a negative self-image of yourself as an athlete that stifles confidence?

No matter ow positive you try to be, are you unable to shake the doubt that rushes into your head when you size up your competition?

Have you labeled yourself as a loser, poor closer, or mediocre athlete and these labels keep you stuck in a rut of self-pity and indecision?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, check out The confident Athlete!

The confident athlete CD and workbook program is a 14-day plan for utmost self-confidence. This program is ideal for any athlete or instructor that wants to discover proven confidence-boosting techniques guaranteed to drastically build self-esteem and improve sports performance.

Learn a lot more about one of our a lot of popular CD programs in The confident athlete Series…

The confident Athlete: A 14-Day plan For utmost Self-Confidence

Check out all Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Polonia of the products in The confident athlete Series!

What are customers saying?
“The books/CD’s in ‘The confident Athlete’ are very good. My swimmer has responded very favorably to them, in fact, her daddy purchased all three programs. You have done a great job consolidating and simplifying the myriad of ideas in sports psychology.”
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~Shaun Burrell, professional Surfer (Listen to his success story)

For young athletes and parents – learn a lot more about how to help kids improve confidence Quickly!

We’ve got a great program for you called “The confident sports Kid: A 7-Day plan for building utmost Self-Confidence.”

The confident sports kid is a 7-day program for sports parents and kids to improve young athlete’s performance, happiness and success… in sports and life!

The confident sports kid is two programs in one. There’s a manual and CD for parents/coaches, and a workbook/CD for young athletes.

Packed with mental methods that you and your kids can start using immediately, this program teaches your athletes how to identify confidence busters, proactively deal with them, manage expectations that undermine confidence, and mentally prepare to stay confident when faced with adversity.

What’s more, our program teaches you, as sports parents and coaches, how you may be hurting your kids’ confidence and gives you instructions for changing your behavior in ways that will improve your athletes’ performance, confidence and enjoyment.

Learn a lot more about one of our a lot of popular CD programs in The confident sports kid Series…

The confident sports Kid: A 7-Day plan for building utmost Self-Confidence

Check out all of our products in The confident sports kid Series!

What are parents and coaches saying about our program?
“I appreciate the recommendations to parents as to how to help your child become a lot more mentally resilient to bullying in sports. The certain recommendations and scenarios are very helpful for any child on a team and very helpful in guiding parents, coaches and administrators in how to deal with bullying in sports. I cannot thank you enough for your input, and I am so reassured to know that there are people like you who are writing articles and doing interviews on such timely and crucial matters.”
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“I just listened to ‘The utmost sports parent Program‘ on a drive back from North Carolina. Every parent must be required to listen to it!  I thought it was great. thank you.”
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For mental Coaches – add a lot more value To Your mental training Programs!

This workbook series was created for coaches and mental coaches to use with their athletes.

The Athlete’s mental edge workbooks complement your existing mental training program. Each of the 15 workbooks in the Athlete’s mental edge System teaches your athletes a certain mental skill to improve their performance.

For mental coaches, this system is ideal for between session education.

For sports coaches, you’ll be able to conduct 15 team seminars using the workbook system.

In the Athlete’s mental edge workbook system, you receive 15 easy-to-read, functional mental edge Workbooks on PDF, as well as 16 coaches’ game plan MP3 audio files.

Athlete’s mental edge Workbook System

What are coaches saying?
“I am really pleased with the Athlete’s mental edge workbooks – they are fitting in really well with my coaching! I find they offer a great framework for doing workshop sessions. I have also used the workbooks with a few individual athletes – for the younger ones (12 and under). They are giving a good structure and framework to our sessions. The workbooks have worked well with all of them!”
~Kerri Morgan, mental game Coach

“Congratulations on your mental edge workbooks. I have been Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Portugal through the package and it looks great!  The MGCP program just got a lot better.  Your workbook program makes it much a lot more tangible and much easier to use the mental strategies. This is the missing link Camiseta VfL Wolfsburg in the MGCP program!”
~Bob Simpson, MGCP

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